Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds. Mr P has been working with our products now for quite some time, his face has become a familiar site in our factory. We love having our little visits. Mr P has been using our plastic lightweight roofing system to revamp his sheds which are more like a mans man cave :) His work is absolutely incredible!! He installed these tiles by himself at the age of 75! :) AMAZING.
Wait until you see his work and read his testimonial!
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
As you can see on the above image Mr P has used our eavesguards as a sill for the windows. Making use of the products to their full advantage.
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
How amazing does the completed finish look with our eavesguards as windows sills :) Such a professional job.
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
Mr P and his plastic Lightweight Roofing System Sheds
MR P's Testimonial
Good Evening.
I thought you might like to see some of the sheds in my garden that have been re roofed with your lightweight tiles. In some of the pictures you can see how use has been made of your eaves guard as a sill for the glazing units.
You have a first class product and I would recommend it, At 75 years old I was able to re roof all of the sheds my self as they are so light and easy to use. As you can see there is one more shed to be done, and with a few left overs from the other sheds I was able to make a shelter for the robo mower!
A pleasure to do bussniss with you all.